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Eric Carlson to speak at the Sedona Conference Working Groups 9 & 10 Joint Annual Meeting 2023

  • Patent & IP
May 16, 20231:30PM PDT


Eric Carlson will speak at The Sedona Conference Working Groups 9 & 10 Joint Annual Meeting 2023.

Eric Carlson, Managing Director at Burford Capital, will be speaking on the panel "Litigation Funding" at The Sedona Conference Working Groups 9 & 10 Joint Annual Meeting 2023. The session will take place on May 16 at 1:30PM PDT in Portland.

The panel will explore the various litigation funding arrangements, the impact of litigation funding on cases and defensive litigation funding. The panel will also discuss the impact litigation funding has had in in-house practices.

The Sedona Conference Working Group Series was established to pursue in-depth study of tipping point issues in the areas of antitrust law, complex litigation, intellectual property rights, and data security and privacy law.

You can learn more about the event here.