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Burford Briefing: International arbitration in mining disputes

April 30, 2020

In the last five years, dozens of mining disputes were registered by ICSID, the majority of which are still pending, not to mention those before UNCITRAL, ICC or LCIA tribunals. Consistent with the size and scale of mining operations abroad, the damages claimed in those arbitrations are significant and many claimants have turned to arbitration finance in order to advance their claims. Versant Partners Garrett Rush and Kiran Sequeira, as well as Burford Director Jeffery Commission, will host a complimentary webcast on Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 12:30 pm (New York / Washington, DC) / 5:30 pm (London) / 6:30 pm (Paris) to examine historical trends in mining arbitrations, and the awards rendered by ICSID and other tribunals.  

Register for the webcast below:

 Attendees will learn:

• Why arbitration finance is particularly attractive for claimants in mining disputes, both pre-filing and post-award
• The number of ICSID and other mining arbitrations to have resulted in favorable damages awards, including those involving arbitration finance
• The track records of arbitrators that have appeared most frequently in ICSID and other mining arbitrations
• The approaches of tribunals in mining arbitrations to valuing damages, including the percentage of damages claimed versus awarded
• Selected case studies of recent mining awards to demonstrate the range of potential outcomes

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