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Jörn Eschment to speak during UNCITRAL Working Group III – Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform

  • International arbitration
January 25, 20245:45PM CET


Jörn Eschment will speak on Investment Arbitration in Times of War and Crisis.

Jörn Eschment, Director at Burford Capital will speak on Investment Arbitration in Times of War and Crisis. This session will take place on January 25 at 5:45PM CET in Vienna.  

The panelists will address legal avenues available under public international law for investors in the region, claims that foreign investors have to mitigate the risks of asset seizures and restrictions executed in response to sanctions such as those of the EU and the cost to pursue such claims in investment arbitration proceedings. Jörn will be joined by Professor Dr. Michael Waibel (Law Faculty of the University of Vienna). 

Wolf Theiss is one of the leading law firms in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe (CEE/SEE). 

You can learn more about the event here.